Barclays H1 2022 Results
Interest rate sensitivity
Illustrative sensitivity of Group NII to a parallel shift in interest rate curves¹
NII impact of parallel shifts
in interest rate curves (Em)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
25bps upward
25bps downward
This analysis assumes an instantaneous 25bps parallel shift in interest
rate curves and a 25bps shock to the underlying bank rate
Around two thirds of the Group income benefit from the illustrative
25bps upward parallel shift is in BUK, with the remaining in Bl
This sensitivity is calculated using a constant balance sheet - i.e.
maturing business is reinvested at a consistent tenor and margin
Actual pricing decisions may differ from the illustrative scenarios. In the
event of multiple rate rises, the pass-through is likely to be higher for
subsequent rate rises
Pass-through is limited on the downward scenario, as customer rates
are floored at 0% for GBP and USD deposits2, including when the
downward scenario reflects negative base rates
This analysis does not apply floors to shocked market rates, thus
reflecting the impact of negative base rates on Group NII in the
downward scenario
This sensitivity is not a forecast of interest rate expectations. In the
event of an interest rate change, the actual impact on Group NII may
differ from that illustrated in this analysis
Compared to Q122, the £50m reduction in illustrative Group NII benefit
in Year 1 from a 25bps upward parallel shift reflects the growth in the
structural hedge notional, which provides more long-term stability to
the income profile
1 This sensitivity is based on the modelled performance of the consumer and corporate banking book only, including the impact of both the product and equity structural hedges. It provides the absolute annual impact of a 25bps shock on Group NII over the next three years, for
illustrative purposes only, and is based on a number of assumptions regarding variables which are subject to change. Such assumptions might also differ from those underlying the AEAR calculation in the Barclays PLC Annual Report 2021 | 2 With regards to the relatively modest
balance of EUR deposits that are currently subject to charging, no incremental pass-through of further rates reductions are assumed in the illustrative scenario |
36 | Barclays H1 2022 Results | 28 July 2022
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