Investor Presentaiton
September 2019
Full anti-corruption infrastructure has being established
National Anti-Corruption Policy Council
June 2019: the Council with updated
composition has been restarted by the
President. Delegates of the World
Bank, USAID, UNDP, OECD, and the
EU obtained official status of observes
ProZorro procurement system
Major accomplishments in 2018:
1.2m new tenders with US$ 19.7bn
expected value of finalized deals
The first stage of integration with MOH
registry of medicines completed
5 main priorities:
Review of anti-corruption legislation
Development of amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine
Development of whistleblowers protection legislation
Adoption of a new anti-corruption strategy
Fulfillment of international commitments within cooperation with GRECO, OECD, UN
National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU)
Number of proceedings:
Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecution
Fully focused on corruption cases
involving state officials
Oversees the investigations conducted
by NABU and presents allegations in the
As of July 2019, 369 suspected officials
were accused and 212 cases directed
to the court
August 2016
June 2017
Improved system functionality
National Agency on Corruption
Prevention (NACP)
August 2018
As of July 2019:
>1.1m declarations submitted
>12k special inspections on
timeliness and accuracy of fillings
carried out
872 full inspections of
declarations conducted
July 2019
Performance status as of July 2019:
• 751 criminal proceedings under
investigation with 133 persons officially
notified of suspicion
1,228 notifications on corruption
received from third parties
Strong public accountability and trust
Effective cooperation with foreign
High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC)
June 2018: the Law on HACC adopted
November 2018: 267 submitted and
approved applications for positions in
the HACC and its Appeals Chamber
April 2019: 38 judges were approved to
the HACC and its Appeal Chamber
September 2019: HACC commenced
its operations
Sources: ProZorro, NACP, NABU, official website of the President of Ukraine
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