Q3 2020 Sales Performance
Benlysta: consistent growth in an expanding market
LCM driving sustained leadership in lupus
£186m in Q3, +13% CER
Life cycle management driving future growth
■ Lupus Nephritis (LN): US approval expected
by year end
Positive data in NEJM1
FDA Breakthrough Designation & Priority
■Combination with rituximab: BLISS-BELIEVE
pivotal study ongoing
Primary endpoint data expected
in-house end 2020
Possible filing 1H21
■China: Successful launch of IV formulation;
~1m SLE² patients, expected to increase with
increased diagnosis and treatment
Considerable unmet patient need remains
330k people in the US have SLE
250k diagnosed
137k Benlysta eligible³
+18k with Lupus Nephritis labeling
on Benlysta in 2019
>80% of eligible US
patients remain
untreated with
increasing with
LN indication
1. Furie R, Rovin B, Houssiau F, et al. Two-Year, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Belimumab in Lupus
Nephritis. N Eng J Med. 2020;383:1117-112 2. SLE: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Source: Internal US estimates based on external epidemiology studies, claims data and market research
3. Benlysta eligible based on current labeling
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