Workforce Challenges & DDS Waiver Services Analysis
Understanding Person-Centered Planning & Case Management
Person-Centered Practices is the result of developing and implementing individualized plans, based on a
person's preferences, strengths and choices for their life. A person's life is realized in a meaningful way when
family, friends, community members, and service providers actively listen to what matters to a person, by
respecting and honoring their strengths, culture, hopes and dreams. Every person deserves happiness and a
life they desire. - ND Person-Centered Practices Draft Definition
Person-centered planning is a requirement for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS). In
order to receive Medicaid reimbursement for HCBS, there must be a person-centered service plan that
addresses the person's needs and the services that they will receive.
Case management consists of services which help people receiving HCBS gain access to needed medical,
social, educational, and other services.
Case management may be provided by family navigators. Family navigators are specially trained in
supporting families of children with disabilities. They coordinate services and supports for children with
disabilities and their families to help the child achieve their goals. Among other things, they work directly with
families, monitor progress, identify challenges, and connect the child to services.
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