Investor Presentaiton
Company Profile/AXTEL/Services and Technology
AXTEL Customer Satisfaction Assessment
Our interest in continuous improvement
has prompted us to carry out biannual
satisfaction evaluations with AXTEL
These evaluations are carried out through
an external marketing service provider
that uses a standarized methodology to
identify and measure the attributes with
the greatest relative importance for the
In these survey exercises, users from
all the segments in which we provide
services participate:
• Residential
•Micro and Small Businesses
• Businesses
• Corporate
• Government
This methodology generates information
related to our customers' satisfaction
enabling us to redefine and focus
our attention strategies and establish
improvement actions in those attributes
recognized as perceived value by the
We evaluate each one of the moments
of truth that the customer goes through,
that is, all the interactions the customer
has with the company.
Pre-selling and selling
• Installation process
• Use of products and services
• Customer service
• Malfunctioning repairs
• Invoicing
• Collections
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