Investor Presentaiton
Government Measures to Mitigate Covid-19 Risk
Budget Refocusing Policy
Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No 7/2020 on Taskforce to Manage COVID-19 Outbreak → Renewed through Presidential Regulation
(Perpres) No 9/2020
1. Answer to the President → Director (Chair: Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs) and Implementer (Chair: Head of Indonesian
National Board for Disaster Management), focusing on accelerating the mitigation of COVID-19 through synergy between ministries and
2. Funding comes from the state budget, regional budget, and other legal sources
Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No 4/2020 concerning Refocusing of Activities, Reallocation of Ministry/Agency Budget, and
Procurement of Goods and Services in the Framework of Mitigating COVID-19 Outbreak and Ministry of Finance Circular (SE) No
6/2020 on Refocusing Activity and Reallocation of Ministry/Agency Budget in the Framework of Mitigating COVID-19 Outbreak
1. Minister / Head of Institution prioritizes the use of budget allocations for the acceleration of mitigating COVID-19 outbreak in
accordance with COVID-19 Handling Protocol
2. Done through a budget revision mechanism (done quickly, simply and accountably)
Policy to support efforts to adjust regional allocations and relax transfers for handling Covid-19
1. Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK)19/2020 concerning Distribution and Use of Profit Sharing Fund (DBH), General Allocation Fund
(DAU), and Regional Incentive Fund (DID) budget year 2020 in the context of COVID-19 Countermeasures;
2. Minister of Finance Decree (KMK) 6/2020 concerning Distribution of Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) on Health and
Health Operational Assistance (BOK) in the framework of Prevention and/or Handling of COVID-19;
3. Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) 20/2020 on acceleration of COVID-19 Mitigation in the Scope of
Regional Government
IV. Government Regulation Number 23 of 2020 for Implementation of the National Economic Recovery Program in the Context of
Supporting State Financial Policies for Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and/ or Facing Threats that Harm Nation
Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
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