Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano slide image

Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano

Overview The sale of alcoholic beverages continues to rise in Brazil, maintaining the trend registered since the beginning of the pandemic. Growth is leveraged by the so-called off trade sector, which includes supermarkets, stores and retail in general, as consumption migrated from bars and restaurants (on trade sector) to households when social distancing measures began to be adopted in Brazil. According to the Brazilian Association of Beverages (ABRABE), the segment's revenue in 2020 reached BRL 141.1 billion, against BRL 137 billion in 2019, representing 1.9% of the Brazilian GDP. Beers represent about 90% of the volume consumed in the country. The enormous evolution of e-commerce accelerated the process of rising numbers. KPMG © 2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda., a Brazilian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. BD210890 Página | 67
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