Annual Integrated Report
Material topic: Financial well-being of the customer and responsible consumption
Annual Integrated Report
Table of Contents
Introduction | Value Creation | Economic Performance | Environmental | Social | Governance | Appendices
A sustainable business is founded upon a high-quality
relationship between the company and its customers. As such,
we strive to provide tailored solutions that cater to the unique
needs of each profile, while continuously refining our service
We ended 2022 with
60.1 million customers
Our ambition is to be the best consumer company in Brazil.
Here is what we have been doing to achieve this goal
Customer experience management
We conduct the management and enhancement of our processes
through the Customer Relationship Policy.
The document sets forth the expected behaviors of all employees
in their interactions with customers; regulates the adherence
of teams and initiatives to the model through incentive and
accountability mechanisms; and establishes governance for
continuous improvement.
Its guidelines span the entire consumer journey, including
the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase stages of our
products and services.
Training is another valuable ally in our pursuit of enhancing
the customer experience across our channels. We empower
our teams to offer products with clarity and transparency,
considering each customer's life stage and financial situation.
To advance in this direction, we have organized mandatory
online courses on the Consumer Protection Code ("CDC") and the
Customer Relationship Policy. In 2022, over 33,600 and 29,800
individuals successfully completed these courses, respectively.
Audit and monitoring
Our internal auditing team conducts specific reviews with a focus
on the customer journey. In the sale of products, for instance, we
assess compliance with both legal and internal requirements,
including conduct matters.
Additionally, periodic checks are performed to evaluate the
suitability of products that are canceled within a short period,
which may indicate commercialization and sales quality
Fair and transparent products and services
PTo comply with regulations and offer a fair experience to
our customers, we always strive to provide clear information
regarding our products and services and continuously refine our
internal procedures to ensure that our portfolio remains up to
date. We accomplish this through the following:
⚫ Purchase channels: to ensure complete transparency for
our customers, we provide the key product details in both the
purchase channels and the contract itself, including prices,
terms, rates, fees, risks, and other conditions, as mandated by
regulatory bodies.
⚫ Service table: available for review at our stores and on our
institutional website, this is the channel through which we
publicize our fees and transparently communicate the provisions
and overarching conditions for safe lending.
• Agreements with business customers: we include provisions
that obligate both parties to safeguard and preserve the
environment. Additionally, we seek to ensure that the proceeds
from the contract are not utilized for any purposes that may
result in social harm and do not align with Brazil's National
Environmental Policy.
Santander financial products life cycle
A criação ou alteração de produtos e serviços (veja box) é orientada
The development or modification of products and services
(refer to the box) is guided by our Social and Environmental
Responsibility Policy and mediated by the Product Committee,
comprising multiple departments of the Bank.
This committee assesses the characteristics and functionalities
of each product, its compatibility with the consumer profile and
Santander's ethical principles, as well as its potential social and
environmental risks, adherence to regulations, and staff training
Stages of our product development process
Proposal development: the Product department formulates the
proposal and forwards the documentation to the other teams
involved for assessment and issuance of opinion.
Opinion issuance: evaluates aspects such as adherence to
legal requirements, provision of product information, ease of
cancellation and communication with the Bank, alignment with
the client's profile, promotion of a healthy financial life, support
for positive social and environmental practices, and transparency
in communication.
Presentation to the local sales committee: assessment and
approval of products prior to their sale.
Implementation: execution of training, internal and external
communication, and other necessary measures to make the
product available to the market.
Publicity: dissemination of product information through the
purchase channels or the corresponding contractual instruments.
We concluded 2022 with a total NPS (Net Promoter Score) of 52
points, compared to 59 points in 2021, representing a decline
of 7 percentage points. The NPS is one of the primary metrics
used to evaluate performance. Through this methodology,
which measures the likelihood of a customer recommending
our services, we identify opportunities and implement actions
to enhance the experience we provide. One such action was the
increase in training and development programs for employees
at SX, our affiliate responsible for the Call Center.
One of the most fundamental pillars in attaining these results
is the engagement of the entire organization in this process. As
such, we have institutionalized the Net Promoter Score (NPS) in
the assessment of employee performance.
Customer communication
Our work in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
field seeks to achieve continuous improvement of registered
information and responsible use of data. With this, we aim to
identify customer needs, enhance offerings, and address gaps in
service, thereby improving customer relationships.
We also assist our customers in better managing their finances
through Next Best Advisor (NBA), which notifies them of the
optimal dates for credit card purchases and invoice due dates via
push and SMS alerts.
Service channels
Apart from the face-to-face interaction that takes place at
our nationwide stores, we extend a range of alternatives for
individuals seeking to communicate with us. See below
Leveraging Gent&, our collective intelligence, we offer 24/7
customer support via WhatsApp, the Santander app, and the
Santander website. Our service can answer questions and
execute transactions, such as increasing the account limit
Customer Service ("SAC") and Ombudsman's
We receive requests for product information, complaints, and
cancellations through our Customer Service Center ("SAC").
In cases where the offered solution is deemed unsatisfactory,
customers may escalate their concerns to the Ombudsman. This
channel serves as a mediator for conflicts, addressing demands
registered by customers with the Brazilian Central Bank, the platform, and consumer protection agencies
such as Procon.
The table below displays the complaints communicated through
our service channels over the past three years.
Social networks
Apart from the digital channels provided by Santander, our
customers can leverage our social media pages to obtain
answers to their queries regarding our products and services.
We are present on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and
Our accounts:
in Santander Brasil
Volume of complaints on customer service
channels (in thousands)
Customer Service¹
2022 2021 2020
(2022 x 2021)
603 697 802
CPA/Official Letter
Ombudsman's Office
Brazilian Central Bank
760 835 906
'Telephone, Contact Us (Portal), Internet Banking (Contact Us with logged-in
customers) and Letter.
Complaint response
2022 2021 2020
Customer Service (complaints resolved within 5 business days)
Ombudsman's Office
93% 98% 99%
93% 93% 96%
(complaints resolved within 10 business days)
Our facilities adhere to accessibility standards and, whenever
necessary, we undertake interventions to ensure compliance
with the best practices.
Since 2019, Digital Generation and Santander Lighthouse
São Paulo have been awarded the "Guia de Rodas" seal, a
certification that attests to building accessibility and appropriate
staff training to welcome and accommodate individuals with
disabilities. Our Headquarters was also granted the same seal
in 2017.
Regarding our customer service channels, we provide customers
with speech and hearing impairments with dedicated phone
numbers for our Customer Service Center (0800 7627777),
Santander Call Center (0800 7023535), and Ombudsman (0800
7260322), all of which cover the entire national territory.
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