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Investor Presentaiton

Retail & Business Banking Company (JPY B) FY20 FY21 YOY Plan Progress Loan Balance (avg. Balance)/ Spread² Group aggregate¹ League Table Gross Profits 1 697.7 713.6 +15.9 715.0 100% (JPY T) 0.57% 0.55% 0.54% 0.56% 0.57% FY20 FY21 0.59% o/w Interest Income 2 278.9 268.3 -10.6 IPO number³ 2nd 1st o/w Non-interest Income 3 418.6 445.1 +26.6 25.0 25.2 25.6 25.4 24.9 24.8 Mar-21 Mar-22 G&A Expenses -639.6 -621.0 +18.6 -629.6 99% (Excl. Non-recurring losses and others) 15.2 15.6 16.2 16.3 15.9 15.9 Equity in Income from 5 5.4 5.9 +0.5 Investments in Affiliates Net Business Profits 6 61.3 96.4 +35.1 89.5 108% 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.0 8.8 Credit-related Costs 7 -92.0 23.7 +115.7 Assets in Custody (JPY T) o/w SC (JPY T) Avg. holding period of equity investment trusts Reference: Industry wide avg. 53.7 51.9 4 48.3 46.5 5 4.6 yrs. 4.9 yrs. 5,6 3.2 yrs. 3.9 yrs. Net Gains (Losses) related 8 24.6 37.5 +12.8 to Stocks and others H1 H2 H1 H2 FY19 FY20 Individuals Corporates H1 H2 FY21 SP for Corporates Others 9 -1.0 -64.4 -63.4 Net Business Profits Net Income 10 -7.0 93.2 +100.3 52.3 178% (JPY B, rounded figures) Stable revenue Upside 96.4 Internal risk capital (avg. balance) 11 2,138.1 1,998.5 -193.6 +9.0 (+) Real estate 61.3 53.0 ROE 112 12 -0.3% 4.7% +5.0% 2.6% (-) 44.0 +26.0 43.0 Gross Profits ROE 13 32.6% 35.7% +3.0% Expense ratio 14 91.7% 87.0% -4.7% 17.0 (+) Solutions Business Asset Management (Sales Fee and other) (+) Asset Management (Fiduciary income and other) (+) Loans to corporates FY20 FY21 1. New management accounting rules were applied in FY21. Past figures were recalculated based on the new rules. 2. BK+TB, management accounting. 3. IPO bookrunner number. source: Capital Eye. 4. For Retail & Business Banking segment. 5. Calculated by dividing previous year's average balance by total cancellations/redemption value. 6. Prepared based on data published by Investment Trust Association, Japan. MIZUHO 40
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