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Investor Presentaiton

1999 Celdas de Combustible Politica Industrial Justicia Secial ia de bos vs demande Provos Generación de Energia mediante fontes sostentables para la alimentació de bos Qué hacer con los coches actuales? Bokvial rose V.7. Planificació urb Pro, transp. publice forstructured curga blacion 3 de I cansición y desarrollo Urbano de movilidad eléctrica Transporte Rblico Privado Flotas Clima milla gmma 140p ELECTRO MOVILIDAD de Когда Plane clon Marc estrete gro Para establecer estarenes de carga -Disponibile oral del Rec Eng - Acromia de la Baleria dos NE- -Onsd Kilometraje (150-300) Homogenización de los cargadores -Fuentes Incentives Far Uso de Workshop on Energy Transition at subnational level for 16 States On November 30th, 2022, the German-Mexican Energy Partnership in collaboration with the Mexican-Ger- man Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAMEXA) organized the workshop: "Energy Transition at the subnational level" with government institutions from 16 states of Mexico such as: Nuevo León, Jalis- co, Tamaulipas, Baja California, Sonora, Coahuila, Guanajuato, Querétaro, Tabasco, Mexico City, Vera- cruz, Yucatán, Chihuahua, Quintana Roo, Hidalgo and Campeche, to foster dialogue, facilitate the exchange of best practices and experiences among agencies, institutions and governments of the North, Central and South of the country. Since subnational states are key in the energy tran- sition, an energy roadmap was defined for 2023. In addition, regional working groups and areas of opportunity were identified where the EP and CAME- XA can technically accompany the implementation of a successful energy transition in Mexico. December MILESTONES 2022/2023 Event: "Energy Day 2022: Energy Transition at subnational level" On December 1st, 2022, the "Energy Day: Energy Transition at subnational level" was organized by the German-Mexican Energy Partnership (EP) together with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Mexico and the Mexican-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAMEXA), with the aim of promoting and fostering a fruitful dialogue between relevant actors of the energy sector at subnational level in Mexico. The event featured successful discussion roundtables with subnational governments to present their expe- riences, goals and lessons learned in the energy sector. With this activity, the EP encourages dialogue and emphasizes the proactive and active role of subnatio- nal governments in energy matters to achieve climate commitments and challenges at the global level.
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