Celebrating 10 Years at BM&FBOVESPA slide image

Celebrating 10 Years at BM&FBOVESPA

GRI INDICATOR Aspect: Effluents and waste G4-EN22 CROSS-REFERENCE OR DIRECT RESPONCE SDG RELATED GRI INDICATOR Total water disposal, breakdown by quality and destination The Company disposed 15,160m3, equivalent to its consumption discounting some losses (about 10%) in the rainwater drainage system or sewer. Lojas Renner's has no water reuse system. 6 12 Aspect: Products and services G4-EN27 Extent of mitigation of environmental impacts of products and services Pages 82 to 89 G4-EN28 6 12 8 8 13 Percentage of products and their packaging recovered in relation to the total number of products sold, by product category 12 13 Pages 84 and 88 8 Aspect: Transportation G4-EN30 Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organization's operations, and transporting of its employees Aspect: Overall G4-EN31 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type Aspect: Supplier environmental assessment CROSS-REFERENCE OR DIRECT RESPONCE G4-EN32 Percentage of new suppliers that were selected using environmental criteria 100% of the resale suppliers are selected based on environmental criteria. The ABVTEX certification demanded by us to them requires, in the block 16 of the checklist, their Company's Environmental Management, as well as in the block 11 - Monitoring and Documentation - that verifies the submission of the Environmental Licenses. In addition, Renner's Compliance area requires the submission of the suppliers' Environmental License on block 29 of its current checklist. G4-EN33 Significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken SOCIAL: LABOR PRACTICES AND DECENT WORK INFORMATION ON SOCIAL MANAGEMENT Aspect: Employment Pages 82 to 89 12 13 Page 85 G4-LA3 12 Page 82 8 17 Bounce rates and retention rates after maternity/ paternity leave, by gender In 2015, 630 Lojas Renner S.A.'s employees took maternity leave, 94% returned to work, of which 53% completed 12 months of work after the end of the license period. Aspect: Health and safety at work GRI index SDG RELATED 8 сл 5 *①+ G4-LA5 Percentage of the workforce represented in formal health and safety committees, consisting of employees from different hierarchical levels, which help monitor and guide health and safety at work programs 8 Page 71 M G4-LA6 Types and number of injuries, occupational diseases, lost days, absenteeism and number of work-related fatalities, by region and gender Page 71 WM 105
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