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Investor Presentaiton

LAUNCHING PEN SAIAN TATA BATAS MENUJU PENETAP KA HUTAN 100% TAHUN 2023 Se Ziy ch.. LIN TH DAN KEH gan Hidup dan Kehut em Lingkunga li dan ehunan 023 At the launch of "Completion of Forest Area Boundary Management Towards 100% Forest Area Gazettement in 2023", Minister Siti Nurbaya emphasizes that the heavy task of forest area gazettement emerges as the strong foundation for sustainable forest management and forestry governance, in order to establish clarity of community's rights and duties, and concrete assistance for the community. Moreover, the forest area gazettement process becomes Indonesia's response at international level as one of the most powerful tropical forests countries in the world. (Jakarta, 30 January, 2023) 96 90 The 2020 Indonesia's forest areas monitoring result shows that there are 95.6 million ha of forested land areas in Indonesia or 50.9% of Indonesia's land areas. Of the 95.6 million ha of forested land areas, 92.5% or 88.4 million ha are in the stipulated forest area. 97
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