Investor Presentation - CNP Assurances Corporate Bond Portfolio and SCR Coverage Ratio slide image

Investor Presentation - CNP Assurances Corporate Bond Portfolio and SCR Coverage Ratio

Definition of corporate mission KPIs Inclusive purchases as a percentage of total purchases The KPI measures the proportion of CNP Assurances' direct purchases made from inclusive enterprises: micro-enterprises and SMEs, the sheltered employment sector, the social economy, priority neighbourhoods and regions Annual spending on sponsorship projects and initiatives with a social impact The KPI measures the annual amount spent by CNP Assurances and its subsidiaries on initiatives with a social impact, such as: Initiatives aligned with CNP Assurances' corporate mission, or • actions with a social impact: • Targeting people in a vulnerable and/or precarious situation • • Contributing to sustainable development Conducted in an area where needs are not met or are poorly met by profit-making companies or by public policy Supporting a non-profit or recognised public interest organisation The KPI notably covers the Fondation CNP Assurances, the Instituto CNP Brasil and sponsorship schemes Percentage of employees mobilised to participate in actions with a social impact The KPI measures the proportion of employees of CNP Assurances and its subsidiaries who participate in public interest activities during their working hours. These include activities: Targeting people in a vulnerable and/or precarious situation Contributing to sustainable development Conducted in an area where needs are not met or are poorly met by profit-making companies or by public policy Supporting a non-profit or recognised public interest organisation CNP assurances Investor Presentation March 23 70
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