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Investor Presentaiton

PANORAMA OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S PARTICIPATION IN SANITATION 2021 A NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FRONTIER FOR BRAZIL LEG AGE AGE AGE AGEN LEG LEG dos of dos of LE dos a dos opf AGENDA LEGISLATIVA dos operadores privados de SA SA SA SA SANEAMENTO 2 2 2 20 2021 Legislative Agenda Launched in 2021, this is a publication that brings an analysis of the main projects under way in the National Congress that have some direct relationship with the sanitation sector. Osiri 136 Sistema de Integração e Representação Institucional SIRI The Integrated System for Institutional rep- resentation (SIRI) rallies human resources in order to make sure that the discussions carried out in important Collegiate Bod- ies and Work Groups within the sanitation segment are shared with all the members, thereby making it possible to exchange in- formation that has a direct bearing on the daily activities of the concessionaires. The representation and sharing are implement- ed by the very specialists that make up the internal teams of the member companies and take part in the forums. Conjunctural Analysis In 2020, ABCON SINDCON included this new product in its portfolio. The Conjunc- ture Analyses present an economic and political approach to what happens in Bra- zilian sanitation, in Portuguese and English. Among the analyses already available, we have the study on the economic impact of the new milestone of sanitation. ABCON SINDCON News This is a monthly publication issued by the institution and aimed at companies active in the segment, investors, and suppliers. It brings the main news of the market and of sanitation regulation, as well as the sched- ule of Association activities. This publica- tion is sent by e-mail and hosted on the AB- CON SINDCON website. Management Thematic Committees ABCON SINDCON has internal committees composed of its members, seeking to ex- change experiences between companies and meet external demands, to add value to the requested intermediation. The Legal, Análises ② Conjunturais abcon (sindcon NEWS Compliance, Financial, Communication, Hu- man Resources, Technical and Quality and Safety committees are responsible for con- tributing with debates and for forwarding proposals concerning the issues that affect the activity of concessionaires and the sector. 137
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