G20 Development Working Group Submissions slide image

G20 Development Working Group Submissions

Trade Review. The WTO and OECD were asked to continue monitoring the AFT levels and report periodically to the DWG. Alignment with Core G20 and DWG Mandate: Maintaining the AFT levels, contextualizing aid flows, and highlighting what makes AfT work, can enhance G20 efforts to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth in LICs. COMMITMENT 43: Maintain average Aid for Trade levels from 2006-2008 Implementation: 135 The G20 continues to provide significant amounts of AfT funding on a bilateral basis ($23.3 billion representing 56 % of the total AfT). While the G20 Aft levels have increased in 2009 and 2010, there is in 2011 a slight decrease (- 3.4%). In addition, G20 members also allocated significant amounts of trade-related assistance through multilateral channels, for which they continue to be major providers. It should also be noted that the AfT allocated to LDCs increased by 3.4 % in 2011. A wide range of stakeholders submitted case stories on the impact and outcomes of AfT to inform the 2011 Global Aid for Trade Review. The case stories showed that AfT had had a good impact on trade performance of developing countries, especially LDCs, and suggested that the focus now should be put on strengthening the effectiveness and impact of interventions through better targeted and harmonized international coordination. The Review was considered useful in demonstrating the importance of AfT, and the G20 was right in making this commitment. The time lag in the availability of data of actual flows means that figures on AfT for 2012 and 2013 will follow only in 2014 and 2015 respectively. It is important therefore to ensure ongoing monitoring of G20 AFT levels in order to establish for certain if the G20 has met its AfT commitments. Lessons Learned: There is a specific pledge by the G20 on AfT in the Seoul MYAP to "at least maintaining beyond 2011 AfT levels that reflects the average of the last three years (2006-2008)". The G20 will consider, in close cooperation with relevant IOs including OECD and WTO, how to monitor this commitment and enable effective assessment in the future. The G20 DWG will discuss the issue of methodology at the G20 DWG meeting in October 2013. • It is important that the monitoring of this commitment should continue within the G20 including in the context of the results and outcomes of the July Global Aid for Trade Review and the December WTO Bali Ministerial meeting, which are expected to provide a fresh impetus and renewed mandate for the Aft Initiative during 2013. 51
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