ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 | AXTEL = Suspension of hedge accounting The Company suspends hedge accounting when the derivative financial instrument or the non-derivative financial instrument has expired, is cancelled or exercised, when the derivative or non- derivative financial instrument is not highly effective to offset the changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item. The substitution or successive renewal of a hedge instrument by another is not an expiration or resolution if said replacement or renewal is part of the Company's documented risk management objective and is consistent with it. On suspending hedge accounting, in the case of fair value hedges, the adjustment to the carrying amount of a hedged Iamount for which the effective interest rate method is used, is amortized to profit or loss over the maturity period. In the case of cash flow hedges, the amounts accumulated in equity as part of comprehensive (loss) income remain in equity until the time when the effects of the forecasted transaction affect profit or loss. In the event the forecasted transaction is not likely to occur, the gain or loss accumulated in comprehensive (loss) income are immediately recognized in profit or loss. When the hedge of a forecasted transaction is satisfactory and subsequently does not meet the effectiveness test, the cumulative effects in comprehensive (loss) income in stockholders' equity are proportionally transferred to profit or loss, to the extent the forecasted transaction impacts it. Fair value of derivative financial instruments reflected in the Company's consolidated financial statements, is a mathematical approximation of their fair value. It is computed using proprietary models of independent third parties using assumptions based on past and present market conditions and future expectations at closing date. i. Inventories Inventories are shown at the lesser of its cost and net realization value. The cost is determined using the weighted average cost method. The cost of inventories corresponding to materials and consumables, includes equipment installation costs, other direct costs and indirect expenses. Excludes borrowing costs. The net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less applicable variable selling expenses. j. Prepayments Prepayments mainly comprise insurance and prepayments to service providers. The amounts are recorded on the basis of contractual values and are recorded monthly in the consolidated statement of income every month over the lifetime of the corresponding prepayment: the amount corresponding to the proportion to be considered over the following 12 months is shown under current assets and the remaining amount is shown under non-current assets. k. Property, plant and equipment Items of property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accrued impairment losses. Costs include expenses directly attributable to the asset acquisition. 127 1127
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