TATA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Earnings Update slide image


Financials: Standalone TATA CONSUMER PRODUCTS Quarter ended Mar'22 Financial Year ended Mar'22 Q4FY22 Q4FY21 Change % Profit and Loss statement (all nos. in Crores) FY22 FY21 Change % 1,948 1,850 5% Revenue from operations 7,932 7,154 11% 288 142 102% EBITDA 1,111 919 21% 14.8% 7.7% % 14.0% 12.8% 253 109 132% EBIT 969 792 22% 13.0% 5.9% % 12.2% 11.1% 283 129 119% (11) (14) PBT before exceptional items Exceptional items 1,178 897 31% (27) (61) (66) (33) Tax (265) (217) 206 82 152 % PAT 886 620 43% 10.6% 4.4% % 11.2% 8.7% Profit after tax on a standalone basis for the quarter improved by 152% YoY on account of following: Gross margin improvement that was partly offset by Higher investment behind brands and higher other expenses, led by inflation. 42
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