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Investor Presentaiton

Goal: Economic and Social Well-Being of Rural Areas Population in Millions 20M 15M 10M 5M 7M Total Rural Population (2019) Health Disadvantaged: 17M OM Baseline Network +5M 7M Preferred Network Objective: Enhance access for historically disadvantaged populations О ○ Scope: Population in rural Health Disadvantaged Areas (Justice 40) ○ 5 million more people could have access to passenger services rail Population of census tracts outside urbanized areas served by the Baseline or Preferred Network that are defined as Health Disadvantaged based on the U.S. DOT Justice 40 Initiative: ACS Data (2015-2019 5-year estimates, 2010 Census Tract Shapefiles). Values exclude Alaska and Hawaii. Source: U.S. Census Bureau. 2020 Decennial Census, U.S. Census Bureau. 2020 Urbanized Areas boundaries, U.S. Census Bureau. ACS 2015-2019 5-year estimates (using 2010 census tract boundaries) a 66% increase → capturing 44% of the previously unserved population U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration 107 FRA LONG-DISTANCE SERVICE STUDY
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