Workforce Challenges & DDS Waiver Services Analysis
The Future of ND Waivers: Providing Integrated Support Across the Lifespan
The current state of multiple diagnostic-based waivers leads to disparate services and creates gaps in service, including at age 15 when the ASD
Waiver ends. The proposed future state would streamline waivers based on needs and align age eligibility to ensure continuous, integrated support.
Transition Point:
Assessment for
I/DD Waiver and
IFS Waiver
Transition Point:
with revised LOC
Transition Point:
IFS Waiver ends;
determine future
support as needed
Infancy (under three):
All children served on
Comprehensive Waiver
Early Childhood (3-6):
High-needs I/DD/ASD:
Comprehensive Waiver
Moderate/mild Needs: IFS Waiver
School Age Transition Age:
High-needs I/DD/ASD:
Comprehensive Waiver
Moderate/mild Needs: IFS Waiver
Adulthood Aging:
High-needs I/DD/ASD: Comp. Waiver
Moderate/mild Needs: HCBS Waiver,
State Plan, Vocational Rehab
Comprehensive I/DD Waiver: Provides services for high-needs individuals with intellectual and/ or developmental
disabilities and autism from birth - death
IFS Waiver: Provides services to children ages 3-18 (or 21) with mild to
moderate support needs
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HCBS Waiver: Serves individuals with
physical and other disabilities ages 18-
64 years, and seniors 65+
LEADERSHIP ACTION. RESULTS.View entire presentation