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Investor Presentaiton

Gold Price Amulsar All-in Costs LYDIAN INTERNATIONAL Lydian cash costs were done using an estimated $1,200 Gold price as assumed in Sept 2012 FS Global average all-in costs estimated from Sept 2013 Cash costs pre tax and royalties LYDIAN INTERNATIONAL Cash costs: All-in costs: $469/oz $750/oz $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 $800 Pre-Tax Margin All-in $600 Costs $400 Cost to produce an ounce Cash of gold $200 Costs $0 Gold Price Global Producers Average Cash costs: All-in costs: $738/oz $1,250/oz $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 All-in Costs $800 Pre-Tax Margin $600 Cost to produce an ounce of gold Cash $400 Costs $200 $0 11 Total cash cost per ounce for Lydian as reported in the Feasibility Study on September 7, 2012. Global Average 2012 cash costs estimated by GFMS. Cash costs are costs of production, at site level, to produce an ounce of gold (transport, mining and admin. All-in cash costs include corporate and administrative costs, sustaining capex, exploration costs, and royalties.) Information sourced from the GMFS report Sept 2013 and RBC.
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