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Investor Presentaiton

Foto: Acervo Secom AC 4 REDD+ in the State of Acre - Brazil REDD+ in the State of Acre - Brazil 5 Germany's support to the Brazilian State of Acre Recognizing Acre's environmental leadership and achievements in reduced deforestation, the German government supports Acre's State government in further strengthening forest and climate protection in alignment with national Brazilian policies. As a key component of this partnership, the two governments agreed to pilot a results-based REDD+ system in the context of Official Development Assistance (ODA): Germany provides funding for emission reductions that have been achieved as a result of reduced deforestation in the State of Acre. In 2012, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) committed REDD Early Movers (REM) Programme 16 Mio. EUR in results-based finance to be implemented through the German REDD Early Movers (REM) Programme from 2012-2017. In 2013, the Fed-eral Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Build-ing and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) strengthened the Programme with additional 9 Mio. EUR for results-based payments. This brief summarizes the main features of the first phase of the REM Programme in Acre, Brazil, setting the framework for results-based finance, fund management and investment as well as lessons learned from implementation. Launched at the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012, REM is an innovative initiative of German Offi- cial Development Assistance (ODA) that re-wards pioneers of forest protection and climate change mitigation. It targets countries or regions that have already taken initiative to pro-tect forests. The Programme provides performance-based payments for verified emission reductions from defo- restation, thereby piloting REDD+ in line with the decisions agreed under the United Nations Fra- mework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Programme is implemented jointly by KfW Development Bank and German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Devel-opment (BMZ). In 2012, the Brazilian State of Acre was the first one to recei- ve results-based finance for verified emission reductions. In 2013 and 2014, agreements were deve- loped with Ecuador and Colombia, respectively. REM does not engage in the trading or offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions and does not support market mechanisms. It has entered partnerships with the German Ministry for the Environ-ment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and with other international donors, namely Norway and the United King-dom, and wel- comes further cooperation. Objective The objective of the REM Programme in Acre is to support the reduction of emissions from deforestation in the Brazilian State of Acre. In this manner, the Programme pilots REDD+ perfor- mance-based finance in consistency with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and aims to contribute to climate and forest protection. By rewarding results, REDD+ funding supports What is rewarded? The Programme rewards emission reductions that derive from reduced gross deforestation at a value of five US Dollars per ton of carbon dioxide How are emission reductions calculated? Emission reductions are calculated from changes in forest cover in the reference region, Acre's state jurisdiction. As a benchmark, forest cover changes are measured against a reference level, estimated based on historical average deforesta-tion rates. In the case of the REM Programme in Acre, this means that deforestation that occurred during a "forest year" (August to July) in the period 2011-2015 is compared to the average deforestation that occurred during the Acre in consoli-dating and expanding its forest and climate protection policies and programmes. Funds are used to strengthen the Incentive System for Environmental Services (SISA) and to provide tangible benefits to local actors protecting forests and incentives to further reduce deforestation. equivalent. Payments under this agree-ment are based on emission reductions achieved between 2011 and 2015. reference period (2001-2010). The difference then constitutes the basis for emission reductions (ER). To ensure Acre's reference level's comparability with the na-tional level, REM Programme operates based on the same meth-odology and data (PRODES), used to establish the Amazon Fund's Reference Level.
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