Workforce Challenges & DDS Waiver Services Analysis
Access: Front Door to Supports
Partner with Parent-to-Parent to provide family connections and networking
Expand First Link beyond behavioral health for consistent information and referrals
Cross-train intake staff and develop process for warm referrals
Provide mini-person-centered plan at intake connecting people to community-based services
We heard that people with disabilities and their families find the system difficult to navigate. Different eligibility criteria, forms, and places
to apply make it complicated to know where to go for help. In addition to goods and services, families need help with (1) information and
navigation; and (2) connecting and networking with peers.
Promising Practice: Missouri and Texas partner with their Parent-to-Parent (P2P) to provide optional cross referrals at intake, so that
families have help navigating their choices and learn about community-based (non-Medicaid) options for supports. (Consider a
contractual arrangement to support Medicaid Administrative claiming for outreach, coordination, and referral.)
DDPMs and advocacy organizations spoke about the importance of individualized, person-centered, and accurate referrals. Each
independently were keeping referral lists. First Link already includes information on some autism and developmental disability services.
Make this more robust and use this as the community source for referrals.
People with disabilities and their families share a lot of personal information at intake and are sometimes cross-referred and must tell
their entire story again. Include an optional referral authorization on the intake form and make it routine to ask for permission to share
information gathered at intake and do a warm referral.
There is a wait (times vary, based on whether or not there is a waiting list) between when eligible people apply for services and begin
receiving them. Use person-centered planning skills and knowledge of community resources to create a mini person-centered plan that
helps people and families get connect with integrated community-based supports at intake, so they can get non-eligibility-based support
right away.
LEADERSHIP ACTION. RESULTS.View entire presentation