Experian ESG Presentation Deck
Executive Summary Improving Financial Health
Social - Data Accuracy
Sourcing accurate data
We only use data from reputable
sources. Quality control
procedures help identify
inaccurate or out of date data
before it is added to our
We assess the accuracy of the
consumer credit information from
data providers and work with them
to improve the quality. We
provide tools to help data.
providers check data before
they submit it to us to help them
meet our data quality standard.
If data providers are unwilling to
implement improvements to meet
our standards we will no longer
source data from them.
Supply Chain
Monitoring data accuracy
• Our platforms enable us to
monitor and measure data
accuracy on a continuous basis.
Accurate data is fundamental to our reputation and business success
We constantly strive to increase the accuracy of our data in a competitive market to prevent customers going to other data providers
In the USA, where data accuracy
is a particularly significant issue
for stakeholders, we have taken
steps to strengthen our
procedures, including for record
matching and ensuring customers'
health insurance payments are
properly reflected in medical debt
Improving data accuracy
In the USA we have a data
accuracy program in which we
review all delivered credit
reports monthly for visible and
consequential conflicts and errors
We have implemented
improvement programs targeted
at these identified errors, which
have yielded rapid positive results.
This has increased our data
accuracy level to 99.9% in our
USA consumer information bureau
and we continue to focus on
increasing it further.
• See following slides for further
Policies & Data tables
Fixing data
We have processes in place for
consumers to dispute
information in their credit report
that they believe is inaccurate. In
the USA, our online dispute centre
makes it easier for people to file a
dispute about credit information
and get it corrected quickly.
We monitor how data providers
deal with disputes and how they
remediate them to improve
accuracy of their data.
Many of our products also
empower consumers and
businesses to protect their data
and check for any inaccuracies in
their financial profilesView entire presentation