2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report slide image

2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report

A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT & CEO 2021 SUSTAINABILITY HIGHLIGHTS ABOUT MOODY'S BETTER BUSINESS BETTER LIVES BETTER SOLUTIONS APPENDIX Moody's 2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report 73 VOLUNTEERING OUR EXPERTISE We encourage employees to apply their knowledge and expertise to help strengthen their communities through company-wide volunteer initiatives, such as: » » Moody's TeamUp®, which unites people in local offices and across business groups to complete service projects in their local communities; Moody's Future Solutions™, our pro bono volunteer program, uses the professional skills of our employees to help nonprofits build capacity and solve pressing challenges; Moody's Impact Leaders program, a global network of employees playing leadership roles in shaping our strategy and initiatives in their local offices; and Moody's Up2You, which encourages collaboration among Moody's colleagues to host events and activities that support eligible nonprofits. Our employees contributed 11,238 volunteer hours to their communities in 2021. Following a successful global immersive Moody's Future Solutions™ program, Moody's and SynTao Green Finance (a Moody's minority affiliate based in China providing ESG data and analytics services) supported the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University to establish the assessment framework for ESG / sustainability development of regional and local governments in China. Additionally, a number of our employees and leaders sit on the advisory and governing boards of the organizations we support and provide strategic guidance. Some of these organizations include Asian Venture Philanthropy Network, Asociación Conciencia, Girls Inc., Hetrick-Martin Institute, Prep for Prep, Village Capital, Youth About Business and WEConnect International. For more information on our policies regarding communities, see Additional Resources. 1.8 BI PRODUCE OF LA OPI
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