Environmental & Social Safeguards Third-Party Monitoring
contractors or community workers employed to carry out surveying works or other field
activities. Contractors will be overseen by government officials through the PMU framework
and will be similarly required to ensure that work conditions are safe for women. The Project
will enforce provisions of provincial laws related to anti-harassment and prevention of violence
against women.
The world bank guidelines require the Project to pay special attention to matters pertaining to
Gender Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment
(SH). The Project will Conduct a GBV/SEA/SH Risk Assessment and propose a mitigation
approach in the form of an Action Plan, to address GBV and SEA risks and impacts that may
arise during Project implementation.
The Environmental and Social Commitment Plans (ESCP) sets out material measures and
actions, any specific documents or plans, and timing of each of these. The PMU will comply
with the requirements of the ESCP, and implementation of the material measures and actions
of the ESCP will be monitored and reported to the World Bank.
Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) of E&S activities is required to assess the status and
performance of PULSE from E&S perspectives, its compliance status, or emerging issues,
which will complement the PMU's capacity for project monitoring. A firm (or NGO) will carry
out the TPM to provide an unbiased perspective on the issue and status, and to make
recommendations for improvement.
The Financing agreement and all framework documents related to Environment and Social
Safeguards are disclosed on the link below;
The objective of Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) is to monitor the implementation and
effectiveness of compliance by the PMU/PIU with the ESCP, ESMF (including E-Waste
Management Plan, Labor Management Plan, Resettlement Policy Framework, Stakeholder
Engagement Plan and corresponding E&S Plans such as ESMPS, RAPS, Occupational Health
and Safety (OHS) plan, Gender Based Violence (GBV) Action Plan).
The Consulting firm shall work closely with the Project Director and E&S Specialists at PMU-
BOR, and relevant staff at the PIU-PLRA.
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