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Investor Presentaiton

Racing Infrastructure Fund The Government has listened to the industry and has agreed to establish a racing infrastructure fund equal to the amount of 35 percent of the net sale proceeds from the sale of the TAB Rationale for the Fund 1 Recognises that the racing industry is the key beneficiary of the TAB under current legislation. An infrastructure fund remunerates the industry for changing these arrangements 2 Assists in ensuring race tracks are of sufficient quality and condition to meet the racing industry's commitments to supply quality racing products under the RDA • • Administrative details for how infrastructure requirements are assessed, funding requests considered and expenditure prioritised, would be developed in consultation with RWWA Expenditure from the infrastructure fund will be subject to business case assessments to ensure the money is well spent and provides maximum benefit to the three racing codes 3 Aligns the interests of the State and racing industry to optimise sales proceeds Consultation Forums | Future of the Western Australian TAB 14
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