Sierra Rutile Investor Presentation slide image

Sierra Rutile Investor Presentation

Drilling Continues at Area 1 Activities at Pejebu, Ndendemoia and Mogbwemo Dredge Pond Sierra Rutile Drilling and Resource/Reserve estimation continue at Ndendemoia and Pejebu deposits. 255 holes drilled at Pejebu with a further 80 holes planned. The findings from Pejebu and earlier drilling at Ndendemoia will be incorporated into a new Resource Statement to be finalised in Q3. Sierra Rutile is investigating draining the Mogbwemo pond and mining the tailings to supplement the MSP's feed. Investigations have included plant scale test work, initial resource drilling, baseline environmental monitoring, and discussions around the design, manufacture and supply of a modular, relocatable spiral plant suitable for this material. Some additional Resources expected to be declared in July 2023 with full Reserve targeted for early 2024. If investigations are successful, construction of a relocatable modular spiral plant to treat the Mogbweno tailings could commence in early 2024, with commissioning a few months later. Koppa Dam Embankment Sierra Rutile Investor Presentation | ASX: SRX 16
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