Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

DS R&C JCIB GCB GCIB Global Markets AM/IS Progress of the medium-term business plan FY22 results*1 / FY23 revised target Review of FY22 • Progress in KS's inorganic strategy Strengthened BDI's auto business • FY22 results ΥΟΥ Net operating FY23 revised target 230 194.7 +10.0 Achieve- ments profits (\bn) (vs original target +30) Expense ratio 58% (1ppt) 57% ROE 6.5% +1ppt 7% Chal- lenges • RWA (\tn) 10.4 +0.8 10.9 Changes in ROE*2*3 • Progress in digital-related investments - Need to invest further and create synergies with investees early on Strengthen BDI's retail business Add more sustainable finance deals FY23 key strategies Before amortization After amortization KS's one-time profit 8.5% 8.5% Net profits +¥35.0bn* *4 5.5% 4% 6.5% VS target 9% 7% VS Toriginal target 1 Strengthen BDI's business platform and create new profit sources 2 Further investment in digital finance 3 Strengthen the promotion of sustainable finance FY21 result KS BDI VTB, Other FY22 KS SBC *5 result BDI VTB, Other FY23 SBC *5 revised target *1 MUAH not included; FY21 does not include KS's one-time profit *2 MUAH not included *3 Areas shaded with diagonal lines represent amortization of intangible assets, etc. *4 FY21 does not include KS's one-time profit *5 VietinBank, Security Bank MUFG 25
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