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Investor Presentaiton

Messages from the management Highlights Were are globo ESG approach Social impact of our content Diversity & inclusion Employee development & well-being Biodiversity & environmental awareness Transparent & responsible governance Education as a vector for country development About this report ESG Governance By launching our 2030 ESG Agenda, we have increased our responsibility and transparency in addition to reinforcing communication with society. The six established commitments will be driven and monitored by cross-functional teams, led by senior executives, coordinated by the company's Chief Financial, Legal and Infrastructure Officer with oversight by the Executive Officers and the Board of Directors. These teams are responsible for defining ambitions and goals, establishing action plans, encouraging and monitoring progress and promoting engagement of the company and its stakeholders. GRI 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26 Our 2030 ESG Agenda was developed by a multidisciplinary Working Group throughout 2021. The commitments were carefully prepared and reviewed by the Executive Officers, together with the Board of Directors. The agenda development process was conducted by a third-party consulting firm and included a thorough sectoral analysis; the study of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) standards for the media sector; a diagnosis of the company's status with regard to topics previously identified as relevant; and the opinion of stakeholders. Five groups of stakeholders were prioritized: consumers, employees, advertisers, investors and shareholders. They were invited to respond to a survey and indicate the relevance of the identified topics. They also contributed through focus groups and interviews. The ESG Working Group then assessed the topics based on their potential reputational, financial and/or legal risk; impact on competitive advantage; and their relationship with the essence of the companyand our corporate values. The result of this process is presented in the Materiality Matrix, which we used as a guideline for the development of strategic commitments to be pursued by the Company. GRI 3-1 relevance to stakeholders Materiality matrix GRI 3-2 1 harassment and discrimination 2 anti-corruption policies 3 reliable and plural journalism 4 on-screen representation 5 employee health and well-being 6 information security 29 28 *009 1 2 3 7 13 20 21 14 22 15 11 9 16 10 17 12 24 18 23 25 26 30 27 7 team diversity 8 labor rights 9 dialogue with stakeholders 10 intellectual property protection 11 offer visibility to causes 12 responsible advertising 19 relevance to the business 13 social and environmental awareness 14 clear values and norms 15 independent and diverse board 16 human rights protection 17 greenhouse gases 18 Whistleblower system 19 biodiversity protection 20 energy management 21 risk management 22 waste management 23 employee development 24 environmental impact of suppliers 8 5 25 water management 26 transparency and equity in compensation 27 corporate philanthropy 28 vulnerable audience protection 29 encouraging the culture of giving 30 incentive to volunteer 18 2021 Report ESG Journey Oglobo
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