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Investor Presentaiton

NIGERIA CAN DELIVER A CASH TRANSFER TO POOR AND VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLDS AS ONE ELEMENT OF A BROADER SOCIAL COMPACT Using a robust targeting method and transparency based on digital payments Registries cover 44 percent of all HHs, span across Nigeria, ... and targeting & transparency benefit from digital and target the poor... delivery Percentage of households captured in the registry 80 Transfers align with CBN's know-your- customer (KYC) requirements Mobile wallets can be set up for recipients 5 7 Rapid Response Registry: 2.7M HH וווווויייי National Social Registry, 15.7M HH Biometric verification increasingly used 0 1 - Least wealthy 3 Source: World Bank staff based on Smythe and Blumenstock (2022) and administrative registry data from NASSCO. NSR: National Social Registry, 15.7M households RRR: Rapid Response Registry: 2.7M households NIGERIA THE WORLD BANK IBRD⚫IDA WORLD BANK GROUP Savings from the subsidy can also be used for other pro-poor service delivery (ex. health, education, infrastructure) 31 34
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