ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 | AXTEL = iii. Current status: In the second instance, a lawsuit was filed against the ITX tariff, and in which the suspension instructed by the SCJN was lifted, while the trial related to OMV is suspended in the first instance. Given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, added to the various litigations that Telmex/Telnor have presented and where Axtel's interests have prevailed, the matter is projected as favorable. 2020 rates i. A lawsuit regarding ITX / OMV, Axtel is considered an interested third party. ii. January 2020: The Company was notified of one amparo lawsuit, against the rates for the 2020 period, determined by the IFT iii. Current status: In first instance. Given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, added to the various litigations that Telmex/Telnor have presented and where Axtel's interests have prevailed, the matter is projected as favorable. 2021 rates i. An amparo lawsuit, on ITX and virtual mobile networks, where Axtel is an interested third party. ii. February 2021: the Company was notified of an amparo lawsuit filed against the rates for the year 2021. iii. Current status: In first instance. As of December 31, 2021, the Company and its advisers consider that the rates will prevail based on the resolutions obtained before the IFT, especially since they have precedent in the Máximo Tribunal and a series of litigation precedents favorable to the company, therefore, it is estimated that an adverse scenario no longer exists. As of the date of issuance, the Company has recognized and paid the cost based on the rates determined by the IFT, and there are no provisions associated with this contingency. Lawsuits between Axtel and Solution Ware Integración, S. A. de C. V. ("Solution Ware") i. Axtel and Solution Ware participated in projects with the Government of Nuevo León, Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare, Secretariat of Social Development, National Population Registry, National Forestry Commission, Seguros Monterrey and the Government of Tamaulipas. Solution Ware has filed various ordinary lawsuits in which it claims Axtel to pay for some purchase orders for managed services, as well as interest, damages and lost profits in addition to legal expenses and costs. Lawsuits concerning the Government of Nuevo León, the National Population Registry and the Government of Tamaulipas are currently at a trial level. The lawsuits concerning the Merger Opposition agreements, the Secretariat of Labour and Social Welfare, CONAFOR, Registro Nacional de Población, and the Secretariat of Social Development definitively concluded in favor of the Company. At the date of issuance of the consolidated financial statements, the Company and its advisors believe that there is no real likelihood 165 165
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