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International Banking and Growth

International Retail Loans and Provisions $16.8 $1.2 (Spot Balances as at Q1/15, $ billions¹) $3.7 Total Portfolio² = $45 billion; 69% secured ■Credit Cards ($4.5B) ■Personal Loans ($13.7B) ■Mortgages ($25.9B) $9.1 -$0.5 $7.3 $2.9 $0.1 $6.2 $11.9 $2.4 $0.8 $4.7 $3.2 $1.9 $5.7 $4.8 $1.5 $2.2 $1.3 C&CA Mexico Chile Peru Colombia PCL1 Q1/15 Q4/14 Q1/15 Q4/14 Q1/15 Q4/14 Q1/15 Q4/14 Q1/15 Q4/14 $ millions 34 45 76 67 15 15 59 53 53 28 % of avg. loans (bps) 91 127 355 318 89 90 429 408 509 2533 (1) Restated amounts to conform with current presentation (2) Total Portfolio includes other smaller portfolios (3) Includes the benefits from the Colpatria credit mark, excluding the benefit of the credit mark, the ratio would be 594bps for Q1/15 and 498 bps for Q4/14 29 Scotiabank®
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