2020 Results Announcement slide image

2020 Results Announcement

c.€1.7bn cost target achieved one year early; new €1.5bn target for 2023 Cost Movement €1,785m (€90m) €25m Bank of Ireland 2020 Results Announcement €65m / 4% net reduction reflects . Wage inflation of 2.6% • • . COVID-19 costs €25m; €90m / 5% reduction excluding COVID-19 costs Lower pension costs of €33m Transformation investment costs of €56m • €1,720m Lower depreciation charge 2019 Cost initiatives COVID-19 costs 2020 FY 2019 Non-core items (€m) FY 2020 (€m) • Cost of restructuring programme (59) (245) • Transformation Investment costs (55) (237) - Other restructuring charges (4) (8) Investment on internally generated computer software (136) • Customer redress charges (74) (39) Investment return on treasury stock held for policyholders (2) 9 Other 22 25 Total non-core items (113) (386) Non-core items • €245m business model restructuring charges include €189m relating to the voluntary redundancy programme, resulting in €114m reduction in annualised staff costs when completed €136m charge related to H1 impairment of intangible software assets Customer redress costs of €39m Transformation investment in 2020 €410m split across the income statement (14%), balance sheet (28%) and non-core items (58%) Bank of Ireland 23
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