1H-23 Group Financial Performance Presentation slide image

1H-23 Group Financial Performance Presentation

Tax impacts Two material PNG taxation changes occurred in 2022 and 2023. 2022 - payment of the K190m additional company tax (ACT) ā— 2023 - increase in tax rates for commercial banks from 30% to 45%. Adjusting for the impacts of the above taxes, the Group NPAT reduced by 8.9%. TAX IMPACTS ON NPAT [km] 397.2 190.0 BSP -8.9% 587.2 427.2 107.8 In 535.0 1H-22 NPAT ACT Impact 1H-22 underlying 1H-23 NPAT 15% tax impact NPAT 1H-23 NPAT recalculated @ 30% INVESTOR PRESENTATION 1H-23 7
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