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Investor Presentaiton

Sectors contribution to the 26% ERT Introduction of LEV, WUE etc. Agriculture Industry 1.04% Waste 6.26% 0.13% Energy efficiency, the use of RE etc Energy and Transportation 4.95% Use of biofuel, engine with improved energy efficiency, improve public transportation and road, demand side management, energy efficiency, development of renewable energy Establishment of final dumpsite (TPA), waste management with 3R (reduced, recycling and reuse), integrated city waste water management Expected cumulative emission reduction (2005-2020) is 5.6 Gt LULUCF and peatland 87.61% Peat/forest fire management, improving water management on peat, land and forest rehabilitations, combating illegal logging, reducing deforestation and community empowerment Forestry: 53.8% 2 1.56 Gt CO2e
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