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Investor Presentaiton

Balance Sheet | 30 September 2015 BGEO Consolidated Banking Business Investment Business Eliminations BALANCE SHEET Sep-15 Sep-14 Change Jun-15 Y-O-Y Change Q-O-Q Sep-15 Sep-14 Change Y-O-Y Jun-15 Change Q-O-Q Sep-15 Sep-14 Change Jun-15 Change Sep-15 Sep-14 Jun-15 Y-O-Y Q-O-Q Cash and cash equivalents 1,320,319 759,639 Amounts due from credit institutions 706,500 897,965 Investment securities. Loans to customers and finance lease receivables 5,266,125 372,042 617,700 3,818,742 73.8% 1,261,805 89.9% 45.4% 4.6% 37.9% 583,888 895,840 5,052,752 21.0% 0.2% 1,314,696 698,110 900,845 4.2% 5,367,311 756,397 355,786 616,547 3,897,160 96.2% 46.1% 37.7% 73.8% 1,252,758 575,534 898,457 5,142,221 4.9% 166,031 50,821 226.7% 107,511 54.4% (160,408) (47,579) (98,464) 21.3% 19,628 23,540 -16.6% 18,844 4.2% (11,238) (7,284) (10,490) 0.3% 1,153 1,153 0.0% 1,153 0.0% (4,033) (3,770) 4.4% (101,186) (78,418) (89,469) Accounts receivable and other loans. 87,348 62,830 Insurance premiums receivable 55,700 40,330 Prepayments 148,777 Inventories Investment property 224,028 185,316 775,599 562,342 39.0% 36,555 52.4% 34,945 15.4% 85,132 74.8% 20.9% 37.9% 77,866 58,142 12.2% 13,291 -4.2% 28,413 6,501 14,961 104.4% 15,474 -14.1% 79,989 57,041 40.2% 70,343 13.7% 89.9% 26,519 7.1% 29,165 22,636 28.8% 32,023 -8.9% (5,932) (1,878) (712) (7,951) (1,042) (400) 52,145 -22.7% 131,534 21,374 19,928 7.3% 30,779 -30.6% 18,956 15,017 26.2% 21,366 -11.3% 13.1% 10,929 6,122 78.5% 10,379 5.3% 137,848 79,010 74.5% 121,155 13.8% 221,506 1.1% 143,469 121,359 18.2% 143,873 -0.3% 80,559 63,957 26.0% 77,633 3.8% 669,153 15.9% 339,300 301,004 12.7% 338,858 0.1% 436,299 261,338 66.9% 330,295 32.1% Property and equipment 70,876 49,796 42.3% 60,056 18.0% 49,592 38,538 28.7% 48,092 3.1% 21,284 11,258 89.1% 11,964 77.9% Goodwill Intangible assets 38,438 30,019 28.0% 36,894 4.2% 34,390 27,732 24.0% 33,260 3.4% 4,048 2,287 77.0% 3,634 11.4% 38,666 39,999 -3.3% 29,080 33.0% Income tax assets Other assets 267,218 160,613 66.4% 9,937,889 6,815,670 45.8% Total assets 4,477,908 Client deposits and notes 2,115,859 3,088,254 1,264,299 45.0% 67.4% 244,398 9,375,059 4,104,417 2,139,517 9.3% 6.0% 30,938 187,378 147,220 9,140,036 6,340,444 31,189 -0.8% 21,686 42.7% 7,728 8,810 -12.3% 7,394 4.5% 9.1% -1.1% Amounts due to credit institutions 1,076,137 794,951 Debt securities issued 166,435 98,953 35.4% 68.2% 1,063,123 132,832 1.2% 25.3% 4,649,572 3,142,980 2,011,801 1,167,556 999,959 768,315 16,629 30.1% 27.3% 174,820 44.2% 8,712,710 47.9% 4,212,822 72.3% 2,045,093 990,257 7.2% 4.9% 91,997 1,094,685 14,323 611,191 542.3% 80,058 79.1% 883,373 14.9% 23.9% 10.4% -1.6% 209,898 175,299 19.7% 189,124 11.0% 1.0% 83,549 27,023 209.2% 79,894 4.6% (12,157) (296,832) (135,965) (171,664) (54,726) (105,840) (78,556) (7,371) (387) (930) (10,480) (221,024) (108,405) (94,700) (7,028) 13,028 27.6% 14,369 15.7% Accruals and deferred income 149,806 85,925 74.3% 118,463 26.5% 66,608 57,637 15.6% 73,001 -8.8% 40,369 35,099 15.0% 42,910 -5.9% 26,239 22,538 16.4% 30,091 -12.8% Insurance contracts liabilities 127,490 104,692 21.8% 111,387 14.5% 96,214 88,136 9.2% 87,392 10.1% 31,276 16,556 88.9% 23,995 30.3% Income tax liabilities Other liabilities 149,493 8,179,930 78,653 5,487,439 90.1% 49.1% 94,839 57.6% 77,454 40,694 90.3% 71,126 8.9% 83,996 40,256 7,719,116 6.0% 7,891,998 5,255,808 50.2% 7,463,969 5.7% 584,764 367,597 108.7% 59.1% 34,604 142.7% 476,171 22.8% Total liabilities (11,957) (2,296) (10,891) (296,832) (135,965) (221,024) Share capital 1,154 252,090 1,024 40,909 516.2% 12.7% 1,154 0.0% 1,154 1,024 243,482 3.5% 40,622 37,470 12.7% 8.4% 1,154 0.0% 32,277 25.9% 211,468 3,439 Additional paid-in capital 6049.1 % 211,205 0.1% Treasury shares (36) (74,266) Other reserves Retained earnings Total equity attributable to shareholders (43) -16.3% (47,298) 57.0% 1,488,963 1,276,801 16.6% 1,667,905 31.2% 1,271,393 (36) 0.0% (61,509) 20.7% 1,413,870 1,596,961 5.3% 4.4% (36) (43) (64,648) (33,760) 1,252,178 1,061,747 1,229,270 1,066,438 -16.3% (36) 0.0% 91.5% (51,917) 24.5% 17.9% 1,247,508 0.4% 15.3% 1,228,986 0.0% (9,618) 236,785 438,635 (13,538) 215,054 204,955 -29.0% 10.1% 114.0% (9,592) 0.3% 166,362 42.3% 367,975 19.2% of the Group Non-controlling interests Total equity 90,054 1,757,959 56,838 1,328,231 58.4% 32.4% 58,982 52.7% 1,655,943 6.2% 18,768 1,248,038 18,198 1.084,636 3.1% 15.1% 19,755 1,248,741 -5.0% -0.1% Total liabilities and equity 9,937,889 6,815,670 45.8% 9,375,059 6.0% 9,140,036 6,340,444 44.2% 8,712,710 4.9% 71,286 509,921 1,094,685 38,639 243,594 84.5% 109.3% 611.191 79.1% 39,227 407,202 883,373 81.7% 25.2% 23.9% (296,832) (135,965) (221,024) Book value per share 43.60 36.97 17.9% 41.74 4.5% Holding company of BANK OF GEORGIA BGEO GROUP November 2015 page 81
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