Fountain Head Gold Project Development Overview slide image

Fountain Head Gold Project Development Overview

Fountain Head Gold Deposit Table 4: Fountain Head and Tally Ho Mineral Resources by JORC Classification as at 16 June 2020, reported utilising a cut-off grade of >0.7 g/t Au which is consistent with the assumed open cut mining method. See ASX Release 16 June 2020 for JORC tables JORC Classification Indicated Inferred Total Indicated Inferred Total Indicated Inferred Total Tonnage (Mt) Tally Ho 0.94 Au (g/t) 2.0 Ounces (Koz) 59 0.94 2.0 59 Fountain Head 0.89 1.4 41 1.11 1.6 56 2.00 1.5 96 Total Fountain Head + Tally Ho* 1.83 1.7 100 1.11 2.94 1.6 56 1.7 156 Table 5: Historic drillhole specifications and intercepts. Note all coordinates are given in MGA94_Z52 datum Prospect Medusa Hole ID MEDR0001 Type East RC North Azi° (mag) Dip° EOH From Int (m) gold g/t 761,025 8,524,049 105 -60 120 26 2 1.83 Medusa MEDR0008 RC 761,411 8,524,492 105 -60 120 9 3 1.19 Cookies Corner CC03 RC 758,915 8,542,064 86 -60 80 133 6 1.82 Cookies Corner CC04 RC 758,962 8,542,067 266 -60 63 44 4 2.12 Cookies Corner Cookies Corner CC05 RC 758,988 8,542,066 266 -60 80 45 10 1.66 CCRC003 RC 758,883 8,542,111 90 -60 139 133 6 1.82 Cookies Corner CCRC004 RC 758,946 8,542,011 90 -60 91 44 4 2.12 Cookies Corner CCRC017 RC 758,944 8,541,912 90 -60 61 35 4 2.86 Cookies Corner CCRC018 RC 758,975 8,542,010 90 -60 79 61 2 3.45 Cookies Corner CCRC023 RC 758,828 8,541,815 90 -60 109 75 11 1.13 Western Arm Nth NW 1 RC 748,910 8,518,476 0 -90 Western Arm Nth NW 8 RC 748,980 8,518,475 0 -90 Western Arm Nth NW 9 RC 748,990 8,518,475 0 -90 222 19 1 2.23 13 2 1.26 8 1 1.30 PNZ METALS 33
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