Creatd Results Presentation Deck
Creatd's extensive brand and founder network creates a
positively-selected pool of potential targets for
opportunistic e-commerce ventures. The ideal candidate
is one that shares in our mission of serving the creator
economy and that is aligned with our pillars.
Investment framework:
Revenues accretive immediately, or soon thereafter
Flexible cap structure
Strong management team
Lean operations & outsourced business model
Cash & stock structured transactions
© 2021 Creatd, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dune Glow Remedy Case Study¹
Creatd management meets Tom Punch through collaboration
with WatchMojo where he was a lead executive
Punch conceptualizes new DTC beverage brand,
which would become Dune Glow Remedy
Creatd Ventures acquires minority stake and uses
Vocal data to craft preliminary audience profile
Creatd develops and launches Dune's e-commerce platform
and completes acquisition of a controlling stake of Dune
¹MOU signed on 8/2/2021
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