Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position
Net interest income positively geared to further interest rate rises
NII sensitivity to parallel shift in interest rates (annualised)
Key simplifying assumptions
€69 mn
€112 mn
€1 mn
€2 mn
An instantaneous and sustained parallel movement in EUR and USD interest
€70 mn
€114 mn
175 bps parallel shift in USD interest rates
Static balance sheet in size and composition
Assets and liabilities whose pricing is mechanically linked to market / central
bank rates assumed to reprice accordingly
50% pass through assumption for term deposits (Fixed and Notice)
This sensitivity is not a forecast of interest rate expectations, and the Bank's
pricing decisions in the event of an interest rate change may differ from the
assumptions underlying this sensitivity. Accordingly, in the event of an
interest rate change the actual impact on Group NII may differ from that
presented in this analysis
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