Pet Retail Market and Valuation Outlook slide image

Pet Retail Market and Valuation Outlook

Appendix 20 95 20: Geospatial Analysis (C) In addition, we also sought to understand the pattern of Petz and Cobasi stores. We understand that despite having a high radius of influence, the megastore model does not have the same capillarity as mom & pop channels. Thus, the companies positioned themselves to ensure the best strategic positioning, opening their stores near avenues, malls, supermarkets, and subways. We tried to understand if there is any gap between Petz and Cobasi in this positioning issue. The companies were very similar in price and quantity of products. Thus, we applied a minimum distance filter using more than 80 shopping centers in the city of São Paulo and the 89 subway stations in the city. The results can be seen below and corroborate the thesis that both companies are well-positioned. Petz Cobasi Malls Subways Geographical Distribution; [m] Avg. Distance Subway [m] 2500 2000 1500 Petland 1000 500 Petz Cobasi Zee.Dog City's GDP ÷ GDP Reached by Megastore = Potential City Petland 0 1000 1200 • Zee.Dog Source: QGIS; IBGE; Companies' Data; Team 7 1400 1600 Avg. Distance Malls [m] 1800 2000
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