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Investor Presentaiton

GOAL 3: PROGRESS AGAINST THE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR THE 2020-21 APP South African NATIONAL PARKS OUTCOME GOAL 3: SUSTAINABLE SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME THAT ENSURES DELIVERY OF BENEFITS TO THE LAND CLAIMANTS, HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES AND THE PEOPLE OF SA SUB OUTCOME 13: IMPROVED PARTICIPATION OF PDIS IN SANPARKS BUSINESS 13.2 OUTPUT INDICATOR Percentage 2020/21 ANNUAL TARGET of BBBEE spent: 65% Work in progress expenditure on affirmative procurement ACTIONS / INTERVENTIONS ANNUAL PROGRESS AND ANALYSIS 61% (R686 051 424) Challenges: The COVID 19 Pandemic Alert Level 5 Lockdown resulted in under achievement in Q1 and Q2 which contributed significantly to underachievement for the year under review. By and large, business in the Conservation and Tourism Industries are relatively untransformed. Corrective actions: Develop the procurement strategies that are biased towards the designated groups (Women, youth and PWD owned enterprises) and Emerging Micro Enterprises (EMEs) or Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSES) Where feasible, encourage sub-contracting 30% for projects that are above R30 million to EMEs or QSES Accelerate the finalisation of the policy and implementation of Enterprise and Supplier development
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