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Investor Presentaiton

Global Banking & Markets financial highlights Adjusted Financial Performance FY19-FY20 GBM overview Strategy update Appendix Adjusted Financial Performance 1020-1021 $m FY20 FY19 Δ RWAs $bn Markets and Securities Services 8,797 7,795 13% Banking 6,599 7,399 (11)% Г (14)% Revenue $bn +10% Other¹ (93) (325) 63% Revenue 15,303 14,869 3% ECL (1,209) (153) >(200)% 295 4.3 255 3.9 Costs (9,264) (9,544) (3)% Share of profits in associates and JVs - Adjusted PBT 4,830 5,172 (7)% 1Q20 1Q21 Significant items and FX translation (1,214) (4,230) (72%) Costs $bn Reported PBT 1Q20 ECL charge / (release) $m 1Q21 3,616 942 >200% +3% $bn Customer loans Customer deposits RWAs ROTE, %2 1. Other includes Pl and Markets treasury allocations 2. Excluding Significant Items & Bank Levy FY20 FY19 A 224 252 (11)% 560 337 304 11% 2.5 2.5 265 277 (4)% 6.7% 9.8% (3.1)ppts 1Q20 1Q21 1Q20 (190) 1Q21 13
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