International Banking Revenue and Loan Growth slide image

International Banking Revenue and Loan Growth

INTERNATIONAL BANKING REGIONAL LOAN GROWTH - Strong loan growth in Latin America, largely due to acquisitions AVERAGE LOANS & ACCEPTANCES ($B)1 CONSTANT DOLLAR LOAN VOLUMES, Y/Y +29% Y/Y2,3 144 Retail Commercial4 Total 31 -2% 122 Latin America 47% 35% 41% Y/Y 110 C&CA 0% 31 (4%) (2%) 30 Total 31% 26% 29% 113 +41% Y/Y3 91 80 Q4/17 Latin America Q3/18 Retail Commercial4 Total ex-M&A ex-M&A ex-M&A Latin America 13% 15% 14% C&CA 0% (4%) (2%) Q4/18 Total 9% 10% 10% Caribbean & Central America 1 Y/Y growth rates are on a constant dollar basis 2 Average loans & acceptances growth of 31% Y/Y on a reported basis 3 Includes the impact of acquisitions 4 Excludes bankers acceptances Scotiabank® 28
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