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Investor Presentaiton

FIG 2018 ISTANBUL XXVI FIG Congress 2018 6-11 May 2018 ISTANBUL EMBRACING OUR SMART WORLD WHERE THE CONTINENTS CONNECT: ENHANCING THE GEOSPATIAL MATURITY OF SOCIETIES INTRODUCTION & MOTIVATION Floods are the major disaster affecting many countries in the world year after year. It is an inevitable natural phenomenon occurring from time to time in all rivers and natural drainage system, which not only damage the lives, natural resources and environment, but also causes the loss of economy and health (Thilagavathi, et al., 2011). The impact of floods has been increased due to a number of factors, with rising sea level and increased development on floodplains. Recurring flood losses has handicapped the economic development of both developed and developing countries. ORGANISED BY MAIN SUPPORTERS FIG T.C. せ CEVRE VE ŞEHİRCİLİK BAKANLIĞI PLATINUM SPONSORS Desri Leica Trimble. Tapu ve Kadastro Cal THE SCIENCE OF WHERE Geosystems
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