2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank
Killings/injuries and excessive use of force
Since the beginning of the year 12 people have been injured by Explosive
Remnants of War (ERW), including seven children (six boys and one girl) and
four men were injured including one seriously with live ammunition
allegedly by Gaza de facto authorities during demolition of an illegally built
structure (further details under Risk 2 Internal Displacement).
OHCHR monitoring shows that outside major escalations in conflict farmers
and fishermen in the ARA and those living close to the fence dividing Gaza
and Israel are most often at risk and routinely subjected to Israeli military
attacks while carrying out essential livelihood activities.
Since the beginning of 2022, the Israeli navy arrested and injured an
increasing number of fishermen along Gaza's coastline. In less than 6
months, Israel carried out 152 attacks against fishermen, resulting in 18
fishermen injured with rubber coated metal bullets including three children
and 41 arrested, including six children 15 - almost quadruple numbers for the
whole of 2021 (in 2021 only 11 fishermen were arrested). Of the 41
fishermen arrested all except five, who are still in detention, were released
the same day or the following day, suggesting no clear threat to Israel's
national security. The incidents happened while fishermen were sailing
within the permitted fishing zone (2 to 15 nautical miles) off Gaza's coast,
exacerbating uncertainty fishermen routinely experience about movement
rules at sea. Further, in most cases fishing boats and fishing gear is either
damaged or confiscated. A single boat can impact the livelihoods and food
of up to 20 families. OHCHR reporting shows that since the beginning of the
year a total 13 fishing boats were confiscated. Often fishing boats are
damaged or mostly not returned.16
Incidents affecting fishermen January-June 2022
Boats confiscated in 2022
Incidents affecting fishermen (injuries, arrests)
Fishers injured in 2022
13 confiscated (only
two returned)
Fishers arrested in 2022
Farmers tending crops in the ARA are also at risk of military activities. In
particular, farmers risk being shot or injured by live ammunition, rubber-
coated metal bullets or with tear gas by IF who patrol the area and routinely
enter the ARA to bulldoze, level land and aerial spray herbicides. While no
casualties were reported so far this year, at the end of 2021 (December),
five farmers including a 17-year-old were injured by live fire while tending
crops. Such incidents are rarely if ever investigated and continue to inhibit
the development of Gaza's agricultural sector. IF also rarely provide warning
of their activities in the ARA to protect farmers and their livelihoods and
avert risks of injury and damages to property.
Further, while no major escalations occurred so far this year in Gaza, a year
after the May 2021 conflict recovery is painstakingly slow. Much civilian
infrastructure damaged during intense shelling and airstrikes including
hospitals, health and education services is still recovering from fundamental
damages (originally ten hospitals, 22 Primary Health Centres (PHCs)
including the complete destruction of one PHC, 186 public, private, and
UNRWA education facilities, and 80 kindergartens were impacted).
Impunity and lack of transparency on investigations by Israeli authorities
remain of utmost concern, 17 including possible violations of IHL in the
OHCHR, AI Mezan Center for Human Rights
Since the beginning of the year only two boats out of 13 confiscated were returned on 2 June 2022
A/HRC/49/25, A/HRC/46/22, A/HRC/43/21, A/HRC/40/43
6View entire presentation