Investor Presentaiton
have to account for VAT (i.e. the reverse-charge
regime is not applicable). No registration
threshold applies.
Taxable persons (both established and not es-
tablished in the Czech Republic) may voluntari-
ly register for VAT.
A group of related parties established or hav-
ing a VAT establishment in the Czech Repub-
lic may register as a single VAT payer (group
Persons identified for VAT
A taxable person who is not a VAT payer can
become a person identified for VAT if they
purchase a specific type of supply, where the
place of supply is in the Czech Republic, e.g.
they acquire goods from another EU member
state, or they supply services where the place
of supply is determined in another EU member
state under the general rule. The person identi-
fied for VAT is obliged to account for VAT on the
received supply; however, they are not entitled
to claim related input VAT.
Reporting requirements
VAT returns
In general, VAT returns have to be submitted
electronically on a monthly basis. Under cer-
tain circumstances, VAT payers can opt for
a quarterly period. However, a quarterly period
is not possible for VAT groups and taxable per-
sons whose turnover exceeds CZK 10,000,000
in the previous calendar year.
VAT returns must be submitted by the 25th
day of the month following the relevant tax
period. VAT payers who are not established in
the Czech Republic and do not have a VAT es-
tablishment in the Czech Republic and persons
identified for VAT are only required to submit
VAT returns for VAT periods in which they per-
formed taxable or zero-rated transactions.
VAT must be paid by the due date for submit-
ting the VAT return. If there is excess input VAT,
VAT credit should be paid to the VAT payer
within 30 days of the deadline for submitting
the VAT return.
The VAT returns must be submitted electroni-
cally via special-purpose application.
There is a penalty for non-submission/delay in
submission of a VAT return (max. CZK 300,000)
and penalty interest applies for late payment of
VAT (14.05 percent p.a.).
EC Sales Lists
An EC Sales List must be completed if a VAT
payer or person identified for VAT (where appli
cable) either:
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