Westpac New Zealand Economic and Sustainability Strategy Update slide image

Westpac New Zealand Economic and Sustainability Strategy Update

Our sustainability strategy Sustainability Priorities Qo Manaaki te ao Care for the planet What We want to support Aotearoa's transition to a resilient, net-zero economy for the benefit of all Kiwis 2025 Targets Reduce operational emissions by 30% (vs 2019)1. Offset remaining emissions to be carbon neutral • Enable $10b in sustainable Finance² • Reduce climate-related financial risks Manaaki te tāngata Care for people E tipu putea ora Grow financial wellbeing 7 SETAN INTOCY 11 13 ACTION We want to help create thriving local communities and a workforce and society where everyone feels valued 10 1 POVERTY GENDER EXUALITY DECENT WORK AND 10 REDUCED PEQUALITES We want to enable all Kiwis to be financially secure and independent POVERTY DECENT WORK AND 8 CONUNGGROWTH 10 M INEQUALITIES 11 AND COMMUNTIES • • • Set a cultural diversity in leadership target by 2021 1% pre-tax profits invested in communities $700m in lending to healthy, affordable and social housing³ 25,000 people to participate in Westpac- facilitated financial education workshops Help 15,000 Kiwis who are at risk of financial exploitation & exclusion Source 25% of supplier spend from local businesses, including those owned by diverse and under-represented groups 1 Environmental year runs 1 July to 30 June. CO2e results include all Westpac business units based in New Zealand. Progress and 1H21 Highlights Operating emissions reduced by 38% • Enabled $2.25b in sustainable finance • Partnered with app CoGo to help New Zealanders learn about, reduce and offset their carbon footprint Recognised as New Zealand Sustainability Debt House of the Year (KangaNews 2020 Awards) and won the INFINZ award for Excellence in Institutional Banking for Westpac's role in leading and accelerating sustainable finance Published Westpac NZ's inaugural Climate Risk Report in line with the recommendations of the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) 0.52% ($3.8m) pre-tax profits invested in communities $373m in lending to healthy, affordable and social housing First bank to offer face-to-face sign language interpreters, through partner iSign to customers who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired Published our second gender pay analysis. Our overall gender pay gap in 2020 is 29.1% vs 30.3% in 2019. This figure compares the pay of the median man and median woman at Westpac NZ, and includes base salary, bonuses, overtime, miscellaneous payments and superannuation More than 8,000 participants in Westpac-facilitated financial education workshops MyMahi partnership delivering 226 financial education workshops to secondary school students across New Zealand Increased online financial education classes. To date more than 1,000 people have participated in online classes (169 in FY20) 2 This target comprises (a) $5b for lending to climate change solutions, $700m lending for healthy, affordable and social housing, and other environmental, social, and sustainability-linked lending (building on FY20 exposure), and (b) facilitation of sustainable bonds from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2025. All lending will meet the eligibility criteria set out in international sustainable finance principals. Our targets are a total commitment, measuring the cumulative flow of capital that will support Aotearoa to become a thriving, inclusive net-zero emissions economy. 3 This is a cumulative target and includes Kiwibuild and shared equity. Co 6
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