Paytm Q2 FY 2024 Financial Performance
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This Presentation is prepared by One 97 Communications Limited
("Company") and is for information purposes only without regards to
specific objectives, financial situations or needs of any -particular
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specific investment objectives or financial situation of any person.
Before acting on any information you should consider the
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and in particular, you should seek independent financial advice. This
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The information contained in this Presentation is a general
background information of the Company and there is no
representation that all information relating to the context has been
taken care of in the Presentation. We do not assume responsibility to
publicly amend, modify or revise any information contained in this
Presentation on the basis of any subsequent development,
information or events, or otherwise. This Presentation includes
certain statements that are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-
looking statements" and relate to the Company and its financial
position, business strategy, events
and courses of action.
Forward-looking statements and financial projections are based on
the opinions and estimates of management at the date the
statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and
uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or
results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-
looking statements and financial projections. Representative
examples of factors that could affect the accuracy of forward looking
statements include (without limitation) the condition of and changes in
India's political and economic status, government policies, applicable
laws, international and domestic events having a bearing on
Company's business, and such other factors beyond our control.
Forward-looking statements and financial projections include, among
other things, statements about: our expectations regarding our
transaction volumes, expenses, sales and operations; our future
merchant and consumer concentration; our anticipated cash needs,
our estimates regarding our capital requirements, our need for
additional financing; our ability to anticipate the future needs of our
merchants and consumers; our plans for future products and
enhancements of existing products; our future growth strategy and
growth rate; our future intellectual property; and our anticipated
trends and challenges in the markets in which we operate. Forward-
looking statements are not guarantees of future performance
including those relating to general business plans and strategy, future
outlook and growth prospects, and future developments in its
businesses and its competitive and regulatory environment. These
forward-looking statements represent only the Company's current
intentions, beliefs or expectations, and no representation, warranty or
undertaking, express or implied, is made or assurance given that
such statements, views, projections or forecasts in the Presentation,
if any, are correct or that any objectives specified herein will be
We, or any of our affiliates, shareholders, directors, employees, or
advisors, as such, make no representations or warranties, express or
implied, as to, and do not accept any responsibility or liability with
respect to, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of
any information or opinions contained herein and accept no liability
whatsoever for any loss, howsoever, arising from any use or reliance
on this Presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection
therewith. The information contained herein is subject to change
without any obligation to notify any person of such revisions or
change and past performance is not indicative of future results.
This document has not been and will not be reviewed or approved by
a regulatory authority in India or by any stock exchange in India. No
rights or obligations of any nature are created or shall be deemed to
be created by the contents of this Presentation.
Use of Operating Metrics
The operating metrics reported in this Presentation are calculated
using internal Company data based on the activity of our merchants,
consumers and other participants in our ecosystem. While these
numbers are based on what we believe to be reasonable estimates
of engagement, for the applicable period of measurement, there are
inherent challenges in measuring usage across our large online,
offline, in-store and mobile presence. The methodologies used to
measure these metrics require significant judgment and are also
susceptible to algorithm or other technical errors. We regularly review
our processes for calculating these metrics, and from time to time we
may discover inaccuracies in our metrics or may make adjustments to
improve their accuracy, which can result in adjustments to previously
disclosed metrics. In addition, our metrics will differ from estimates
published by third parties due to differences in methodology.
We have converted financial amounts from millions into Cr and
hence there could be some totaling anomalies in the numbers.
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