FY22 Results - Investor Presentation slide image

FY22 Results - Investor Presentation

Capital | Adequate capital RWA/Total Assets RM' bil 72.2% Total Assets RWA/Total Assets 1 Peers 2 65.0% 66.7% 67.4% 64.4% FHC Capital Adequacy Ratios³ ■CET 1 /Tier 1 Total CAR 15.43% 15.80% 15.18% 15.32% 14.48% 59.3% 58.4% 58.5% 58.1% 56.8% 13.65% 14.14% 158.8 169.2 170.2 174.9 11.08% 11.89% 12.44% 11.65% 10.42% 11.33% 12.20% 137.9 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY21 FY22 (without TA) (without TA) (with TA) 4 (with TA) 4 1. FHC RWA/Total Assets 2. Based on an average of our seven peer domestic banks as at 31 December 2021 FHC CET1 (YOY Movement) 3. After deducting proposed dividends 4. Transitional Arrangements 1.20% 0.09% 12.20% 11.33% 11.79% 0.55% 11.65% 0.73% 10.42% 0.09% 0.45% 0.11% 0.14% 0.91% FY21 (with TA) TA FY21 CET1 (without TA) Ordinary Shares issued Profit for FY2022 Transfer from Reg Reserve to RE RWA 5 Dividend Income from AMAB Holdings Others FY2022 (without TA) Proposed Final Dividend FY2022 (without TA after Proposed Dividend) 5. Credit RWA: -0.36%; Market RWA: -0.02%; Operational & others RWA: -0.06% AmBank Group FY22 Results - Investor Presentation TA FY2022 (with TA after Proposed Dividend) 25
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