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Investor Presentaiton

Introduction and context Background and broad aim Supporting the implementation of the National Strategic Plan 2006- 2025, which aims to make Barbados the "most environmentally advanced green country in Latin America and the Caribbean" The project aims to strengthen the local supply side of green quality products and services and the creation of an enabling environment for clean tech entrepreneurship and innovation Industry report acts as a knowledge product and in doing so it: UNIDO bloom BARBADOS CLEANTECH CLUSTER gef M.I.B.I. MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & INDUSTRY EXPORT BARBADOS Formerly BIDC Provides National context; Assesses the development of Barbados' clean tech ecosystem; Characterizes the profile of the clean tech industry; Provides an overview of the local, regional and global clusters; Summarizes the key results of the stakeholder consultations; Creates an awareness overview of what is being done, in the highest ranked challenge areas, at a local level; and Provides responses to select indicators as set out in the GEF CEO Endorsement document. Barbados aims to be the "most environmentally advanced green country in Latin America and the Caribbean" Limitations ► Challenges collecting relevant up-to-date data to provide conclusive statically relevant reporting. Hence the findings are more qualitative in nature. ► Participation rate with some stakeholder groups ranged between 31% - 45%. ► Profile data provided by 33% and of that some opted not to respond to questions requesting confidential data. ► Some industry characteristic are inconclusive (eg. annual revenue) Page 3 EY Mind the Bridge 29 November 2022 Non-performing Loans Market Assessment: Dissemination event UNIDO gef EXPORT BARBADOS
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